Favorite Apps: Goodreads

I am an avid reader. If you know me or read my blog, you know this.  Back in 2007, I started keeping track of all the books I read.  Shortly after this, I discovered a website called Goodreads. It is a sort of social networking site for readers. You can follow what your friends are reading and see their reviews of books, or get recommendations of books to read based on what you have read or are reading.

I use it primarily to keep track of the books I’m reading, want to read and have read. Each year, since 2007 has a digital shelf so I can see each book I read that year.  This is where the app comes in handy.  Whenever someone recommends a book, I can easily add it to my “To Read” shelf. On the rare occasion that I can’t remember if I read the book, I can look it up.

If you are a reader and like to see recommendations or just like to track what you read, I highly recommend this app/site.  Goodreads also provides the currently reading widget on the side of my blog.

Favorite Apps: Flipboard

I’ve been using Flipboard for about a year.  It is one of my favorite apps on both Iphone and Ipad.  You can use it to connect to your social media networks and view the information like a magazine. It is particularly nice when people post multiple pictures to Facebook because you can view it much like you would view an old photo album and can flip through them with ease.

I use it to read my Google Reader subscriptions as well. I can flip through articles easily and even share them quickly on Twitter. It makes  scrolling through Twitter more interesting because if there is a link, it pulls the article up as well making it easy to determine if it is something you might want to read.

If you consume a lot of information via Google Reader and your social networks, this is an app I highly recommend.

Twitter Chats and the Job Search

Earlier this year I read an article by Joshua Waldman over at Career Enlightenment.  He gave a list of 25 Twitter Chats for valuable career advice.  I checked out each of these.  I highly recommend  #HFChat which takes place every Friday at 11 AM (Central).  This chat has the most participation and invaluable advice from HR experts on a variety of topics.  Not only is it a great place to learn tips and get advice, it is a great way to meet and network with recruiters and HR professionals that want to help.

How to find and follow the thought leaders in your industry.

These days there is so much information out there in just about every industry.  If you are trying to keep up with trends, how do you determine who to listen to? Here are some of the steps that I took to discover the people I follow.

  • Do a search for top blogs in your industry
  • Do a Twitter search for people in your industry
  • Do some research and find out who is following the blogs/Twitter accounts and who those people are following.
  • As you research, you will begin to see patterns in the people that are continually referenced and followed. These are likely thought leaders and influencers in your industry.
  • Follow these leaders and they will lead you to other influencers

What tips do you have?


Are there Alternatives to the Traditional Resume?

I love this day and age of being able to apply for jobs online.  I know how to navigate online and am very comfortable looking for information.  The downside is that it is much more difficult to follow up on applications.  Sometimes it feels like they are sent into the black hole of cyber space.  It also means getting an interview can be difficult.

Being judged solely on my resume has always been frustrating to me.  My resume may or may not get me an interview, but if I can get an interview, it usually goes well. One of my first jobs, I got because the recruiter liked me so much in the interview.  I didn’t qualify for the job I interviewed for.  However, as the recruiter talked with her co-workers about me, they found another position.

I read this article in the Wall Street Journal this week and was encouraged to see companies looking for alternatives to the traditional resume.  This is one upside to having a blog or personal website.  If recruiters do take the time to view my site, I think they get a little better picture of who I am than what I can show on a piece of paper.

What do you think?  Are there better alternatives to the traditional resume?

Why I like social media

Occasionally I come across someone who is not a Facebook user or is anti-social media. I don’t believe social media is for everyone or that everyone has to use it. I respect people that simply say “I choose not to” or even explain their reasoning for not being a user. What I do find interesting is the people that attack Facebook, Twitter, blogs etc saying “It’s stupid,” or, “a waste of time”.

It can be a waste of time, certainly. However, other activities long accepted can be a waste of time as well. TV and reading books can be considered a waste of time. Some would say my love of doing jigsaw puzzles is a waste of time (I consider it keeping my sanity). As with other activities, it is all about priorities. If your priorities are in order and you are getting things done, you ought to have, and feel the freedom to pursue these activities without being scoffed at.

That said, I have asked myself recently why I use Facebook and why I blog. I can’t answer for others, but here are a few of the reasons I do.

  • I love Facebook because I get to regularly see pictures and hear stories about my nephews that I wouldn’t otherwise
  • I was born and raised overseas. Many of my friends and classmates are scattered all over the world.  Facebook gives me glimpses of what they are up to.
  • Because of social curating of information, I am exposed to books, articles, and more that I would know about otherwise
  • I love blogging because I love to write
  • I love blogging because I love to hear what other people’s ideas are and learn from them
  • I am a technology geek and love trying out new things
  • Because my background in in Internet design and development, I feel it is important to participate in Internet technologies

I think one of the biggest appeals of blogging and social media is that they have given a voice to the average person.  For the first time, an average person can share their thoughts, ideas etc and gain a following without having to go through agencies etc.

I respect people that don’t use social media.  However, I have to disagree with people that I call haters.  As with every new technology, there are pros and cons, but to dismiss it without any consideration of both sides of the coin is thoughtless.

My favorite online job board

I have used many online job boards in the past and this time around there are even more.  My favorite site is indeed.com.  Indeed collects leads from multiple job sites.  It’s a little like a one stop shop.  Although it doesn’t include everything, I have found a lot of great niche sites through here.

The interface for indeed is very minimal and basic.  I like this.  It gets right to what I want to do without a lot of fluff.  Like most boards, you can save searches and have it send you an email whenever something new comes up in your search.  My favorite thing is thing is that I can make notes about most of the searches right in the search screen.  I can quickly note that I applied for the job without having to go through a long process.

Indeed also has a great mobile app that brings up your most recent searches immediately and notes whether there have been any new postings before you even click to search.

I am always open to suggestions, but for now indeed.com is my favorite place to search.

Why this road?

When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.”  So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt armed for battle. – Exodus 13:17-18

One of my favorite things about social media is that I have had the opportunity to be exposed to writers and ideas I might not have known about otherwise.  Some of these writers have been friends who have shared their thoughts on life and their journey of faith.  Others have come through recommendations of friends or via retweets from friends.

Jonathan Acuff of Stuff Christians Likeis one of these writers.  I appreciate the way he uses humor to spur conversation, thought and even conviction.  In one post I read recently, he writes about Exodus 13:17-18,

“I love the simplicity of that. God knew that if the Israelites took the short way, if they took what probably seemed like the logical route, they’d face a war they weren’t ready for and would probably willingly return to slavery. So out of love, out a deep, big love for His people, he took them on the desert road.” (#575. Refusing the gift of the desert road)

Acuff goes on to talk about the confusion the Israelites must have had and how you and I feel that way sometimes.  We wonder why God has us on the desert road rather than the highway.  I love Ginny Owens’ song “This Road.”  In the chorus, she writes “why this way, why this road, why this load.  Tell me how far must I go till I know why this road.”

Sometimes, the desert is a consequence of our actions.  Sometimes, it is a product of living in a fallen world.  Sometimes, to paraphrase Acuff, that desert road is a gift, protecting us from war.


I recently discovered google docs and google reader which then led to the discovery of igoogle. It’s my new favorite thing. I know, that makes me a geek. Oh well. Google reader lets me read all the blogs I subscribe to in one place rather than clicking on them all the time. It’s allowed me to enjoy keeping up more. Igoogle is now my home page. I have it set with my reader, TV Listings and my calendar which is great. You’ll have to check out google docs for yourself. It’s pretty cool.