

I recently discovered google docs and google reader which then led to the discovery of igoogle. It’s my new favorite thing. I know, that makes me a geek. Oh well. Google reader lets me read all the blogs I subscribe to in one place rather than clicking on them all the time. It’s allowed me to enjoy keeping up more. Igoogle is now my home page. I have it set with my reader, TV Listings and my calendar which is great. You’ll have to check out google docs for yourself. It’s pretty cool.

2008 Books

Last year, I read a total of 45 books, almost double the number I read in the previous year. It was a good year for reading. Here are some of my faves.

I don’t know that I had a favorite in the fiction category. It was a year of reading new authors. Francine Rivers is now a favorite of mine. I love her style. Her novellas were particularly enjoyable. They gave me a different perspective on characters from the Bible and made me want to go back and study.

There are two books that stick out in the no-fiction category. The first is “Shattered Dreams” by Larry Crabb. I don’t necessarily agree with everything he writes, but God used the book to teach me some lessons at a crossroads in my life.
The second, is “Seeing in the Dark” by Gary Kinnaman. Gary is a pastor and collaborated with a doctor to talk about the spiritual and medical aspects of depression. It is a short book that is very helpful for understanding depression.

Complete list of books read in 2008.


To be chosen is
    To be seen
    To be heard
    To be known

Not to be chosen is
    To feel unknown
    To feel invisible
    To feel abandoned

To be chosen by God is
    To be completely seen
    To be perfectly known
    To never be alone
    To always be loved
          And never left behind.

© 2008 by Michelle Nicholson

Single at Christmas

I was talking with a friend this past week that was having a rough time being single this time of year. Interestingly enough, the topic came up on a TV show I just watched as well. It can be difficult being single this time of year. It is a time that is very much centered around family. Some singles don’t have any family, or family is not close enough to see. Sometimes those that do have family still have a difficult time because their families have families of their own. Sometimes it’s a catch 22. You can stay home alone or be dragged along to other family and be the lone single. Some people are great at making you feel like you belong. Lois Dorman is one of those wonderful people with the gift of hospitality. Then there are those that don’t have the gift and you might as well be home alone. I don’t have the gift, but I’d like think that I would. I have a much greater appreciation for what my parents did when we were growing up. They always had singles over that didn’t have family of their own. They always wanted them to feel like part of the family. I miss those days. I miss family. I miss my mom.

This is a little bit random, but it is part of being single.

God’s Gifts of Joy – 2008

Today, I got an email in which the writer shared some of the things in 2008 that brought him joy. He challenged his readers to do the same. Never one to give up a chance to make a list and reminisce at the same time, I took up the challenge. Now, I challenge you. I did find my” soul awakened” to the gifts and joy God brought my way this year and the list keeps growing.

My new job, friends, Dad being home, the adoption of my nephews, Nigeria Reunion, mini-reunions, Tallowood, watching children perform the Nutcracker, trip to Kenya, safari, seeing Aunt Sandy after far too long, feeling like a grown up, having a little extra money, watching my best friend fall in love and being in on the engagement, Nertz, crunches, Danny Stone (my boss at LifeWay), LifeWay friends, enjoying not working for the holiday season, bridesmaid dress shopping, clothes shopping, getting my hair cut and highlighted, seeing White Christmas with Dad, learning to be a better intercessor and prayer warrior, praying with and for my church family, writing articles on prayer, relaxing by the pool/beach in Mombassa, reading more than 40 books, meeting with Eddie Whittenberg, Duane Brooks, Larry Heslip and Larry Bertand about the prayer ministry (ok so maybe the moment itself was more scary than joyful, but certainly the end result has brought much joy), seeing the passion for prayer that our Intercessors have and learning so much from them, praying with Pat Perry, walking with Margaret Campbell, working with Mary Latham, Monday night MacGyver with Jamie, having breakfast with my brother, getting to minister to those who have ministered to my family for so many years, being surprised by two of my best friends who cleaned, unpacked and decorated my apartment, Straight No Chaser’s Christmas album, Carrie Underwood’s “Crazy Dreams”, my nephew singing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, blogging and reading friend’s blogs, Facebook, Introducing my dad to Facebook, my nephews saying “I love you”, snow in Houston.

Let It Snow.

This past Wednesday, we actually got snow in Houston. There’s something magical about snow when you don’t usually get to see it. Everyone had a spring in their step and emails started flying at work. It was great fun. My Northern friends are probably rolling their eyes at this. As much snow as they see, this was more like a spit, but for us, it was a little flurry. They say it won’t happen again this year, but here’s to hoping.

LifeWay Days

I went into LifeWay today to do some looking around to start thinking about Christmas. It was odd how different it felt not having been there for five months. I really do miss the people and some of what I did there. That’s not to say I don’t love what I’m doing now. I do. It’s just different.

My old boss said he’d still hire me in a heartbeat and I could do keyholder stuff in the evenings. It’s a little tempting to make a little extra money and while busy, Christmas was my favorite time to be there. On the other hand, I think about all the people and how tired I’d be and I’m not sure the money is worth it. It is, however, nice to know that I am still thought well of.

I have to say again how grateful I am to be doing what I’m doing now. I’m learning so much about church life and about prayer. Though I feel like I’m always working on something, I like that. I just need to figure out how to be more organized.

Here’s to all things new

It’s been forever since I have written anything. I figured since I got a brand new haircut, maybe it was time for a new post. I’m getting a head start on “new” things for the new year. Where did this year go?

Yesterday, I got to participate in one of those events you can love or hate as a single. I got to go look for bridesmaids dresses. I confess that I wasn’t terribly excited mostly because I have had something going on every weekend for the last month and will be busy the next two as well.

I have to say that the day turned out to be a great deal of fun. We found the dresses and I actually really like them. I might have to try to find some place I can where it again. Anyone know of any formal events after June?

After dress shopping, my best friend, her fiance and I hung out playing more nertz. Here’s another confession. I’m about 1000 crunches behind right now. There have been a few times we played where her health or my state of mind kept us from actually doing some crunches. This is NOT an excuse. I do plan to do them.

In the evening, Cris, (Amy’s other best friend)had set up an appointment for me to get my hair done with her stylist(Back when Amy got engaged, I started letting my hair grow out so I could do something with it). Amy and Cris went with me and I opted to go for partial highlights as well. They told me I looked terrified. I really wasn’t–just self conscious.

I have to say that I love my new hair cut! It really is totally different from anything I’ve ever done before and it’s great. Everyone thinks I got a makeover!

I know this isn’t terribly interesting, but it was a really fun day.

513, 4, 1

513 is the number of crunches I did yesterday. I never thought I’d actually have fun doing crunches. There are two things that make it fun. First, thinking of the end result. Second, it means I’m hanging out with my best friend.

4 is the number of years it has been since I didn’t have to work on Labor Day. Actually, I think there might have been one in there that I didn’t. The result is 1-One day-tomorrow that I’m looking forward to sleeping in and hanging out.


Last weekend, Amy and I were trying on dresses (wedding and bridesmaids, respectively). We were both lamenting the extra weight around our middle and decided we needed to do something before the wedding. I had a flash of inspiration. We are addicted to playing nertz and play almost every night. I suggested that every round, whoever has the higher score, we have to do that many crunches before we can play another round. It’s only been a few days, but so far the motivation seems to be working. I admit that, at some point, we have to just keep track and pledge to do that many before the next time we play, but we are doing them. Today, I did 220. I have another 200 to do before we play again. I don’t think I’ve ever had such successful motivation.