You are Extraordinary

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God – John 1:12

Several years ago I had the opportunity to pack up and spend 3 months in Nigeria with my dad. It was the first extended trip I’d had home since graduating from high school. I had a great time, but at the end of three months, I told Dad that I was glad God hadn’t called me to the mission field because I couldn’t hack it.

The truth is that if God did call me, he would equip me just as he did my parents. They were not extraordinary because they were missionaries. They were extraordinary because they were God’s children and they followed His leading and He did extraordinary things through them.

Dad never dreamed of going to Africa to teach French and Spanish. Certainly few human minds could conceive taking someone with Spanish language abilities and plopping them down in West Africa. Yet, that is exactly what God did and because Dad was obedient to God, lives were touched and changed through his teaching Spanish and French in an English speaking country in West Africa.

I share this because Dad will be the first to tell you that he is not extraordinary in and of himself. It is God who worked in Him equipping Him for the work that made him so.

What about you? Ever feel there’s nothing special about you? Ever wonder if your past is redeemable? Ever wonder where you fit?

In Christ, you are a new creation. In Christ, you are extraordinary. In Christ, there is no condemnation. In Christ, you have a future and a hope. A dear friend once told me to get my hands out of my pockets, hold my head high and walk worthy of who I was-a child of God. You, my brother and sister are a child of God. Rejoice!! I will say it again, Rejoice!!

Rejoicing being a child of God,


3 thoughts on “You are Extraordinary

  1. Lori B. says:

    Thanks so much for this encouraging post! It's just what I needed to hear!BTW, I'm Lisa Gertz's sister-in-law; that's how I found your blog.

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