The heavens declare the glory of God;
The skies proclaim the work of his hands. – Psalm 19:1
I have always loved the night sky. I grew up in Nigeria and more often than not, the electricity went out at night. It was not particularly fun trying to study by candle light, but being able to walk outside and clearly see the stars was great! A clear night sky always reminds me how small I am and how big God is.
I recently gained a different perspective on this. I began following one of the Astronauts on the most recent mission as he posted to Twitter. What follows are a few of his tweets.
From orbit: We see 16 sunrises and sunsets in 24 hrs, each one spectacular as the sun lights up the atmosphere in a spectrum of colors5:06 PM May 19th
From orbit: Viewing the Earth is a study of contrasts, beautiful colors of the planet, thin blue line of atmosphere, pure blackness of space5:08 PM May 19th
From orbit: The stars at night in space do not twinkle, they look like perfect points of light and I can clearly see the milky way galaxy7:33 AM May 20th
From orbit: Flying over the Pacific Ocean at night there were some thunder storms, it is so cool to see lightning go off below the clouds7:33 AM May 20th
From orbit: It is so beautiful up here, I wish everyone could see it7:34 AM May 20th
favorite moment on last full day was night pass over Australia with thunderstorms and city lights below and universe above, a heavenly view8:37 AM May 25th
As I followed Astro_Mike I was reminded through his tweets of the Awesomeness of God. The heavens declare His Glory. His creation declares His Glory each day. I wonder…do we declare His Glory each day in what we say and do?