Spring Cleaning

In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps
-Proverbs 16:9

I caught a bug this week-a spring cleaning bug. I know…it’s a little late for spring, but I’m slow.  I cleaned my desk at work.  If you’ve seen my desk, then you know this is a task.  I also cleaned out my email.  Here’s hoping tomorrow I clean house.  This is one bug I don’t mind catching.

I’m not sure where I caught the bug, but I think it began incubating during our Single Adult VBS last week.  James Tippit shared some great teaching with us on God’s wisdom and grace.  In the middle of it all, he talked about wisdom and God’s goals for our life.  This particular evening sparked something in me that has been missing for a while.  It also refreshed my personal time with God.

There are a lot of things in life that I want, but last week, I was reminded that I need God’s wisdom in planning my course.    When was the last time you stepped back allowing God to do some cleaning in your heart?  When was the last time you sought His wisdom in setting goals?  If it’s been a while, perhaps it’s time for some spring cleaning for you as well.

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