Seeking God First

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. – Matthew 6:33

Some weeks, I know what I’m going to write well before the writing begins.  Others, like today, I have no idea.  I like these times because they force me to step back from my busyness.  I take my Bible and pen to the library where it’s quiet and I am alone and I seek God.  I ask God for His word for the singles. Most of the time, His word for the singles, begins with a word for me.  Conviction takes place.  Then I spend several minutes trying to talk God out of sharing what He gives me.  I never win.

I’ve been thinking today about Ramadan.  It is a month of fasting for Muslims.  They do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset.  There is a particular focus on spiritual things during the month as they fast, ask for forgiveness of sins and seek God.  They believe this time of year, more than any other God will be found if they seek him.

This afternoon I began to wonder when was the last time I gave up anything of significance in order to seek God more fully.  We are to seek God each day.  How often do I let other things get in the way of seeking God?  I want to pray for Muslims to find what they seek in Jesus, but my own righteous leaves something to be desired.  Conviction: It’s what happens when we come before God with no agenda other than to seek Him.  I think of Isaiah, who, when confronted with the Glory of God said “Woe to me! I cried. I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.”

I invite you to join me in this month of Ramadan (August 22-September 20) in praying for Muslims. Before this, though, my prayer is that we would each go before God and seek Him with a heart willing to receive His Word.

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