Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. I never get tired of telling you these things, and I do it to safeguard your faith. – Philippians 3:1
As a sophomore in high school, I was required to take biology. It was memorable for several reasons: the textbook weighed 3 lbs, it was the same textbook AP classes in the U.S. used and, my mom spent every evening re-teaching the material until I understood it. I was fortunate to have a mom who had taught biology. I think I might have flunked had it not been for her tireless efforts.
Mom wanted me to succeed in biology, so she repeated the things I was learning in different ways until I got it. Paul wanted the people he taught to succeed in their faith journey and continue to grow so he never grew tired of teaching the truths God taught him.
There’s a lesson here for us. First, the truth of Scripture is always worth repeating. Just because we have heard something before doesn’t mean we don’t need to be reminded of it. God uses Scripture to show us how to live and walk with Him. Secondly, as we disciple others, we must never grow tired of teaching the same truths again and again. The Holy Spirit may use your teaching at the moment to convict someone who has heard the truth before.