Rain Falls Down Too

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: – Ecclesiastes 3:1

Today, as I was driving in the rain, I remembered a quote from a friend in high school. I was pretty down about something one day. Right before a class, Kirsten tapped me on the shoulder and said “rain falls down too.” I didn’t get it. I spent most of class trying to understand what she was getting at. She let me mull that over for a couple of days before explaining. The idea is that rain falls down just like we do in our lives, but when it falls, it washes the old top soil away and brings renewal.

I admit the connection in the analogy is imperfect. However, it has stuck with me all these years and that says something. For some people, rain is wet and miserable and sometimes our lives are like that. We wish we could curl up under the covers and sleep till it passes. The thing about rain is that when it’s all rained out there is a newness that comes. New growth takes place. Even hard devastating rains are followed by rainbows-a reminder of God’s covenant with Noah.

Rain in life is inevitable. Whether you are a fan or not, know that you can trust God in the midst of it. Whether it is a sprinkle or downpour, God is with you. He will sustain you in the midst of every season.

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