Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
-Romans 12:14
Years ago, I had a boss that flat our rubbed me the wrong way. I felt like nothing I did was acceptable to her and she had a way of making me angry. Then one day, I felt a conviction to begin praying for her. It shouldn’t surprise me, but it wasn’t long before the dynamic between us began to change. God softened my hard heart and let me see some of the wounds she was hiding behind. He also seemed to soften her heart. I can’t say that we ever became close friends, but we were amicable and the tension disappeared.
Most of us have had co-workers or others, at some point in our lives that drive us crazy. We might not go so far as to call them enemies, but we feel that way. Romans 12:14 gives us good, but difficult instruction to follow. The Message puts it this way, “bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath.”
It would be easy to relegate this instruction only to people we think of as enemies. I think, however, that misses the point. I think it also applies to the person that said something that hurt you and made you angry. No doubt you can think of other examples. It is easy to hold on to our wounds, replaying events in our minds and conversations when we’ve been hurt. I contend though, that doing so only adds salt to our wounds.
Instead of muttering words against someone who has hurt you, pray for them. Take a look at Romans 12:17-21. Verse 17 says “never pay back evil with evil.” Verse 21 says “conquer evil with good.” In between these verses, Paul writes about leaving room for God’s wrath and that we are to feed our enemies when they are hungry.
This may not be easy for us to do. I know it’s not for me. However, discipleship is not easy most of the time. It requires sacrifice. God may not change the other person or fix the situation, but I guarantee when you pray, He will change you.