My Rock

But the LORD has become my fortress,
       and my God the rock in whom I take refuge. –Psalm 94:22

One of my favorite memories of growing up in Nigeria is hiking in the surrounding hills and climbing a rock formation.  It was about a twenty minute drive from where we lived.  Gog and Magog  is a pile of granite boulders that someone found a path to climb through the rocks to the top.  It was one of our favorite things to do on weekends.  We would take a picnic out to the hills and climb either before or after.

I have lots of fond memories of this place.  One of my favorites is a time I overheard Mom talking to an out of town guest.  Mom often guided people up and down and had some fantastic stories.  She loved hiking and loved jumping around on the rocks.  This particular time, she was explaining to our guest why she enjoyed climbing Gog and Magog so much.  She said that she wasn’t afraid to jump from rock to rock because they were solid.  Every time she set her foot down, she was reminded of the great hymn that says “On Christ the solid rock I stand.  All other ground is sinking sand.”  Climbing always reminded her that her spiritual footing was secure.

Mom’s message wasn’t shared directly with me, but it has stuck with me all these years.  Whatever is going on with you, rest assured that if you are in Christ, you are standing on solid ground.

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