My Boys

In the middle of girls night tonight, my brother called. Normally, I try not to answer the phone when I’m with other people, but it was my brother. I’m so glad I answered.

He called because Zachary, one of my nephews was asking about me. Zachary got on the phone and told me about his visit with his sister and told me “I love you.” I don’t quite speak three year old yet, (I’m learning) so Sean translated for me. I did, however, get “I love you.” If you could have seen my face… Then Daniel got on and said “I love you” in his own way. I just about started crying. Those are the two most precious boys in the entire world. I got off the phone wishing I had a job closer to them so I could see them more often and watch them grow. Don’t tell, them, but they already have me wrapped around their little fingers.

One thought on “My Boys

  1. Stephanie says:

    Ok. I’m crying! But I have to disagree a little about them being the sweetest boys in the world. = ) Yeah, for Aunt Michelle, though!!

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