I love to read and I love books. I seem to collect them faster than I can read them. Last night, I needed something to read to wind down. Both my current books were in my car, so I scanned a shelf for something new. A book by Angela Thomas titled Do You Think I’m Beautiful caught my eye. Perhaps because that is a question I have asked often lately (not out loud).
I like Angela Thomas. I would go so far as to call her one of my favorite authors though I have only read one other book by her. I think maybe it’s because I think she gets me and she doesn’t have a clue that I even exist.
Do You Think I’m Beautiful, at least thus far is similar to Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge. Angela writes about the desire of every woman to be pursued, to be told she is beautiful. It didn’t take long for me to be hooked into what she was saying. Angela writes about her journey to discovering God’s answer to that question every day.
As I read, it occurred to me that this is God-confidence. I don’t know where the importance of self-confidence crept into our lives even in Christian circles. I’m not saying self-confidence is a bad thing, but what if we were more concerned about having God-confidence. What if we viewed ourselves, our lives, and our circumstances with God-confidence?
I thought about my own life. God-confidence means I don’t have to be afraid or anxious about not having the job I want. It means I can trust God completely and rest in Him. It means I can walk with my head held high because my worth IS priceless to the only One who matters. It means that I can learn from my failures and move forward because they are not held against me or over me. It means I can lay everything at His feet. It means freedom, freedom to love and be loved, freedom to be all that God has purposed for me.
I don’t remember when or where I heard this, but it has stuck with me for years. Seeing beauty and feeling love from one Christian to another is in fact God lifting the veil of humanity from our eyes for one brief moment and being graced to see that person as GOD sees them! That said, I am so grateful that God has lifted that veil for me because, You are truly one of the most beautiful people I know.