Currently Reading
- The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls
- The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan
Podcasts of Interest
- That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs | Episode 374: Rebecca St. James + Kingdom Come
- Managing Leadership Anxiety: Yours and Theirs | Episode 133 – Steve & Lisa Cuss
- Clear+Vivid with Alan Alda | Chris Hadfield: Song of an Astronaut
- Viral Jesus | Tish Harrison Warren: Slow Answers to Hard Prayers
- Typology | Processing Trauma through the Mind-Body Connection, feat. Aundi Kolber (Enneagram 4)
Soul Care Retreat
This weekend, I had the opportunity to attend a Soul Care Retreat. I went sensing a need for silence. I left with some new prayer practices and a very clear invitation from God to “Be Present.” Be present with Him, be present with others, be present with myself. I have a tendency to be in my head with a lot going on so being present with myself requires me to be in my body, not just my head. It feels grounding to me. I was still enough at one point that a hummingbird hovered around my head and I wasn’t aware because I was just being silent and still and with God. He invited me to be seated at the table with Him. I’m not ready to leave, but I know that I can enter that space any time to be present with Him. I look forward to practicing this invitation each day.