
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
–Romans 12:15

Tuesday, the staff spent the afternoon praying through the prayer requests that were submitted this past weekend in each of the services.  I always look forward to this time.  I get to set aside everything else and spend the afternoon in prayer.  It can be overwhelming at times.  The needs within the body of Christ are great.  That said, I am always reminded that we serve a great God.  He is not unaware of the needs. 

Each time the staff prays; each time I pray, I find myself coming away with a different perspective.  God gives me a glimpse of His heart for His people.  My life experiences make me more sensitive to certain needs and maybe even desensitized to others.  God’s heart breaks when any of his children are in need and rejoices over every success no matter how big or small.

Being a part of the Body, a community, means that we are to “rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.”  I may have the title of minister, but each and every one of us has opportunity to minister each and every day.  Who will you rejoice with this week?  Who will you mourn with?  Who will you minister to in Christ’s name?

This week, we have two of our own who are mourning.  Christina Osborne’s mother died this morning.  Please remember Christina and Bob and Christina’s family in prayer in these days ahead.

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