
E5 #21

Currently Reading

Podcasts of Interest

Differentiation is listening to learn, not to fix, defend or highjack

Steve Cuss

E5 #17

Sometimes in my quickness to want to be a helper [I] short-circuited His deeper work in someone’s life.

Sharon Garlough Brown

E5 #15

We often associate pain with something going wrong. In reality, pain is merely a signal that something is changing.

E5 #14

Currently Reading

Podcasts of Interest

E5 #13

Currently Reading

Podcasts of Interest

Soul Care Retreat

This weekend, I had the opportunity to attend a Soul Care Retreat. I went sensing a need for silence. I left with some new prayer practices and a very clear invitation from God to “Be Present.” Be present with Him, be present with others, be present with myself. I have a tendency to be in my head with a lot going on so being present with myself requires me to be in my body, not just my head. It feels grounding to me. I was still enough at one point that a hummingbird hovered around my head and I wasn’t aware because I was just being silent and still and with God. He invited me to be seated at the table with Him. I’m not ready to leave, but I know that I can enter that space any time to be present with Him. I look forward to practicing this invitation each day.