A little over a week ago, my best friend, Amy, got engaged. I knew it was coming for at least a couple of weeks and the task of keeping quiet was nearly impossible. On top of that, I was also asked to keep a secret from Randy (Amy’s boyfriend) that she was planning a surprise birthday party for him the same weekend. I would put this secrecy/sneakyness high on my list of accomplishments, at least for this year. How does one contain the excitement of knowing a moment like this is coming? I’m not sure I can answer this except that I think my tongue has teeth marks and my face is sore from fighting the biggest grin of my life. Needless to say, I told them both that they owe me big time. I suppose I should be grateful that I not only knew about the proposal, but got to be there for it. On the other hand, it is nice to have something to hold over their heads.
I do have to confess though that in spite of my excitement, I have been a little envious too. Our pastor concluded a sermon series on the seven deadly sins yesterday with a message on envy. Ouch! Fortunately, God had already been working with me on this. Otherwise, I’m sure I would have sunk down in my pew. I’m sure God would have gotten a kick out of this—as if I can hide from Him in a pew. Saturday night, I had a fantastic prayer time with God about this very thing. I have prayed so long for God to bring someone into my life and that He would lead and guide that man. While I will still pray for that, God showed me last night that maybe I need to pray for him to prepare my heart. Something to think about.