
My Best Friend’s Engagement

A little over a week ago, my best friend, Amy, got engaged. I knew it was coming for at least a couple of weeks and the task of keeping quiet was nearly impossible. On top of that, I was also asked to keep a secret from Randy (Amy’s boyfriend) that she was planning a surprise birthday party for him the same weekend. I would put this secrecy/sneakyness high on my list of accomplishments, at least for this year. How does one contain the excitement of knowing a moment like this is coming? I’m not sure I can answer this except that I think my tongue has teeth marks and my face is sore from fighting the biggest grin of my life. Needless to say, I told them both that they owe me big time. I suppose I should be grateful that I not only knew about the proposal, but got to be there for it. On the other hand, it is nice to have something to hold over their heads.

I do have to confess though that in spite of my excitement, I have been a little envious too. Our pastor concluded a sermon series on the seven deadly sins yesterday with a message on envy. Ouch! Fortunately, God had already been working with me on this. Otherwise, I’m sure I would have sunk down in my pew. I’m sure God would have gotten a kick out of this—as if I can hide from Him in a pew. Saturday night, I had a fantastic prayer time with God about this very thing. I have prayed so long for God to bring someone into my life and that He would lead and guide that man. While I will still pray for that, God showed me last night that maybe I need to pray for him to prepare my heart. Something to think about.

16 Days of Glory

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. – 1 Corinthians 9:24

Friday, August 8th, marks the opening of the Olympics in Beijing, China. I have always loved watching the Olympics. I love to see the flags of all the countries being represented and hear the stories of perseverance that surface during these days.

This year, my conviction is that the Olympics represent a unique opportunity for focused prayer, not only for China, but for the world. If you are a fan of the Olympics, I challenge you to join me in prayer. Pray that God will pour out His Spirit on the countries represented. As you watch, pray for the athletes and their countries. In years past, there was a series of documentaries on the Olympics called 16 Days of Glory. My prayer is that this year we would make it 16 days of prayer for God’s Glory

Because Jesus Did

I recently started a new position as Prayer Ministry Coordinator at my church. One of my goals in this position is to read various books and other materials on prayer (my best friend would say this is a thinly veiled excuse to read yet another book). I picked up Philip Yancey’s book Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference. I have wanted to read it for a while and it was the first one on the shelf.

In Chapter four, Yancey writes, “If I had to answer the question ‘Why pray?’ in one sentence, it would be, “Because Jesus did.” I have heard this particular question many times. I was, however, struck by the simplicity of Yancey’s answer. It is easy to get lost in a long drawn out theological answer. The simple answer is that Jesus did.

NEPA Don Quench

This week, I got another reminder that I have adjusted to life in the U.S. Wednesday morning about 6 AM, there was a loud pop and the electricity went out. My immediate expectation was that it would come back on in a couple of minutes. Only after it had been out for thirty minutes did I realize it was an actual outage that I probably needed to report.

Growing up, I never would have had an expectation of the electricity coming back on immediately. In fact, I would have been pleasantly surprised if it did. Most of the time, it was more of a hope that it would come back on before everything in the fridge and freezer spoiled. There was no point of calling anything in either. I got used to studying by candle light and sleeping in pitch black. To this day, I have trouble sleeping if there is the slightest hint of light.

Apparently the transformer close by tripped. The fact that there was a computer that could tell me this based only on my zip code is pretty impressive. They also told me it would be back online by 8 AM…and it was.

(for those reading this who are confused by the title of this blog, NEPA is the Nigerian Power Authority or as we liked to say Never Ever Power Again. I assume you can get the Pigeon English by context. If not, feel free to ask.)

15 years

I was reading my friend, Stephanie’s blog this afternoon and was reminded how time flies. The title of the post is A Letter to the 18 year old me on the 15th anniversary of my high school graduation. It is an interesting look back. I think my anniversary is June 8th. I can’t believe it’s been 15 years either.

Everything has changed and nothing has changed. Certainly, my life as I knew it then has changed. Some days, the fact that I grew up in another country feels like a distant memory. At the same time, it will always be very much a part of who I am and who I am becoming.

Friends have come and gone. I have been richly blessed by both those who were dear friends for a season as well as those who I still consider close though proximity prevents the same kind of friendship as before. I confess that as an 18 year old, I did not believe that I would ever have the depth of friendships that I had in Nigeria. I am grateful to have been wrong about that.

So what hasn’t changed? When I was eighteen, I thought there was some magic age where I would suddenly shift from being a kid to being an adult. I am still waiting. I think this is why Chris Sligh’s song “Potential” resonates with me. He writes about feeling like you are growing old, but never growing up. I have been thinking about this a lot lately and discussed it among friends who feel the same way. I have been told by older wiser friends that they too feel the same way. This is both comforting and disconcerting.

I don’t know what I would tell my 18 year old self. I do know that the verse I chose for my Senior Quote would be the same. I also think it is pertinent for this time in my life, but then that should not surprise me because God’s Word is living and active.

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:11-12

Drawing a Blank

I have been entering the same alarm code every time I have closed the store since July of last year. Tonight, I drew a blank. I am embarrassed to say that I had to call the alarm company and ask for my code. It’s a very good thing that I am going out of town this weekend for a retreat. I apparently need some time to rest my brain.

Did I mention I’m going on a retreat this weekend? Yes, I did. I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to this weekend. A weekend at the beach and two of my best friends are going to be there too. This is a very good thing.

Ups, Downs & Merry-Go-Rounds

It’s been almost a month since my last posting. I can’t say that nothing has been happening. I just haven’t had much to say, certainly nothing of consequence that I don’t mind sharing with the world. I’m feeling a little like a caged rat…at least I think this must be what it must feel like. I have never actually been a caged rat (In case anyone was wondering).

I am restless, but have nowhere to go with my restlessness and everywhere I turn, God seems to be saying “Be still.” Everyone around me seems to be in constant motion. For them, life seems fluid. No doubt this is partly my perspective. It’s a little like being on a merry-go-round and watching everything around you spin. You feel sick to your stomach and want to get off, but can’t. I keep looking for a way off but every opportunity slips past.


Lest you think life is misery, I assure you (and myself), it is not all bad. The highlight of the last month was going shopping for new clothes last Friday. I have lost about 30 lbs in the last 8 months and most of my clothes no longer fit. I am not much of a shopper generally, but last Friday, I found myself in the mood and was fortunate enough to have a friend willing to go with me and deal with my not so great mood. Turns out (maybe for the first time in my life) I found myself loving to shop. Of course it helps when you have a friend telling you how skinny you look.

I’d been intending to shop for a while. I had a gift card I needed to use and some birthday money from Dad. My goal was not only to get new clothes, but clothes that actually made me look good. For those who know me, this translates to fitted rather than boxy and loose. I am very pleased with what I ended up with, especially with the amount of money that actually came out of my pocket. My favorite piece was a fitted denim jacket with a mandarin collar and flowery embroidered detailing on the collar and cuffs. The only thing I still need is a good pair of jeans. One of these days, I’ll get pics of me to post.

If I only had a brain…

Some weeks I have to go looking for my brain. It seems every now and then to take a vacation. This week was one of those weeks. To be fair, it’s just the last two days. They tell me this is a sign of old age. At this rate, I figure my brain will be on permanent vacation by the time I’m 50.

Yesterday, at work, one of the girls was very excited about some large gift bags that were just 9 cents. I told her they must be leftovers from Halloween. What I meant to say was Valentines. I proceeded to relay the story to my best friend and unintentionally made the same error. I must have some issues with Valentines.

Today, is the day I work at a church down in Sugar Land. I take my laptop with me so that I can access my graphics programs. I got all the way down to Sugar Land before realizing that I didn’t have my laptop with me. This, after being the most awake I’ve been on a Friday morning in weeks. Apparently I think better when I’m half asleep.

In any case, if you see an extra brain running around out there, it is probably mine. If you can catch it, please return it to me. I am lost without it.

While I Was Out

I love surprises. I can think of a few times in my life when I have been truly surprised. I’m not sure any of them compare to the surprise I found when I came home from work Saturday night.

I moved into an apartment last June (7 months ago) after having lived with other people for about 5 years. Because I work 6 days a week, I have not had the time or inclination to really unpack and sort through things. When I have had time, I have been either too tired or simply overwhelmed ( I have a lot of stuff).

Saturday night I arrived home to find my friends Jamie and Amy (and Amy’s boyfriend, Randy) sitting in an entirely clean, unpacked, decorated apartment. I was in complete shock. I still am. They had bought bookshelves and pulled my books out of boxes (I have a lot of books). They pulled out some of my African cloth and used it to decorate beautifully. They even found an extra picture frame and hung my 8 x 10 of my nephews that I have had since June. Now I get to look at them every day!

For someone whose love language is neither gifts nor acts of service, my love tank is full and overflowing. I feel so undeserving of such an expression of love, but oh do I feel loved. I have been given the gift of a new place, a home…a Sanctuary…a place I look forward to coming home to.

2007 Reading Favorites

My last posting mentioned that I had read 28 books last year and many of them were memorable. On the fiction side, choosing my favorite was a no-brainer. Absolutely the best fiction book I read was Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It is a re-telling of the story of Hosea set in the old west. It was creative and very well written. It is also probably they only work of fiction that has ever compelled me to cry out to God in repentance. I suppose this should not surprise me since the story is based upon a story right out of the Bible. If you have not read this book, I highly recommend it.

The non-fiction side proved more difficult to choose one favorite. Almost every one of them gave me something to think about. In the end, I have chosen two. The first is Now and Not Yet: Making Sense of Single Life in the 21st Century by Jennifer A. Marshall. This is probably the best book I have ever read that is discusses being a single woman in contemporary society. It is not a “how to” or “what you are doing wrong” type of book. She writes about how things have changed since our parents were dating and how various things in contemporary American life affect us. One reviewer on wrote “Jennifer takes an honest, clear-eyed look at the gap between where so many of us are and where we had expected and hoped to be, and the struggles we face while trying to make a life in that place.”

If you are a single woman navigating life in this day and age, I commend this book to you as a source of insight and encouragement. I would also recommend it as a good read for those who are married and have single friends. This book will give you insight that will help you better understand them.

The second book on the non-fiction side is Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton. I picked this up after our Single Adult Minister recommended it. I found it fascinating. It is a book based on Gallup research which has showed that those who have had the most success in their fields have focused on their strengths rather than their weakness. I took the strengths finder test myself and felt that it explained a lot about my interests. For those interested, the following is a brief summary of my strengths:

  1. Learner

People strong in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.

  1. Intellection

People strong in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual activity. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.

  1. Input

People strong in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often they like to collect and archive all kinds of information.

  1. Empathy

People strong in the Empathy theme can sense the feelings of other people by imagining themselves in others’ lives or others’ situations.

  1. Connectedness

People strong in the Connectedness theme have faith in the links between all things. They believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.

These are my top books of 2007. I’m already looking forward to what 2008 holds in store. Gotta go now…time to read another book.