Anger Management and God

I haven’t had much to say for a couple of weeks and what I have to say is not particularly profound, but it is part of living life and I’m in a sharing mood.

I am not one to get angry easily or often though I do confess that most of my anger is revealed when I am behind the wheel of my car. (Apparently it is quite common for my personality type to exhibit road rage, but this is beside the point.) Because I do not get angry easily or often, when I do, it tends to be difficult for me to calm down. Unfortunately, it also means that if you have angered me once, your very presence stirs up that anger again. One such customer walked in the store this evening only fifteen minutes before closing (this only added to the anger).

We were 35 minutes later than usual getting out of the store so my frustration level was still fairly high and it occurs to me that I still have to go home and finish planning out my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow. My dilemma? How do I honestly prepare a Sunday School lesson when I’m still heated? I could claim righteous indignation all I wanted, but the truth of the matter is that whether I was in the right or not, wasn’t the point. As I drove home, God reminded me to “leave room for His wrath.” It’s not up to me to pass judgment in my anger especially when there is much in my life that could be judged. Ouch.

Interestingly enough, I am finishing teaching the book of James tomorrow which is all about becoming mature. Yeah. I still have much to learn. I am so grateful though that God doesn’t leave me where I am. He keeps working on me. I didn’t think anger was that big a deal for me because I am not quick to anger. On the other hand, if my anger is not truly righteous, then it is an issue. The fact that it takes me time to calm down and the thoughts that go through my head mean it is an issue.

I’m learning more each day. By the way, (excuse me while I whine for a second) did I mention the fact that I arrived home and my A/C does not seem to be working? I realize it is October, but it’s also Houston and it’s 84 degrees inside my apartment. I don’t think I’ll be getting much sleep tonight…so why not blog? On the other hand, maybe I should be thankful that I usually have A/C.

One thought on “Anger Management and God

  1. Stephanie says:

    Wow! I’ve been wondering what’s going on with you. = )

    I deal with anger constantly! I’m quick to be angry. And slow to let go of it. God’s REALLY working on me there.

    Speaking of James…”the anger of man does not bring about the righteousness of God.” So true!

    Hope you get your ac fixed soon.

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