Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.
-I Corinthians 12:14
Last week, we talked a little about what it means to be the Body of Christ. I’d like to spend some more time with this idea. In his letters, Paul spends a good deal of time talking about this concept. I think there are times when we have heard it so much that we don’t stop to think about what it means.
Paul writes about the body being made of up many parts. Each individual part is part of the whole. Each part is important even though the function may be different. The eye can’t say to the ear, “I don’t need you.” My mom would say those with the gift of evangelism can’t say to those with the gift of teaching that “We don’t need you.”
Have you ever wished you were a great communicator like Dr. Brooks? Or wished you were a great musician like several of our single adults? Maybe you have wanted to be a details person that can easily put together events. What if, instead of wishing we had someone else’s skills, we looked at the gifts God has given us and determined to use them for His glory? You are an important part of the Body of Christ. You are an important part of this community of Single Adults. No one person or group of people is going to result in a successful ministry. It is God working in each of us as we use the gifts he has given us together. What part are you?
Here’s my challenge to you this week as you consider this. Pray. Ask God to give you wisdom and guidance as to where He can best use your gifts and abilities. As you pray, I would also ask that you consider one of the more immediate needs within our single adult community: people to serve on the Single Adult Council. This group of people helps guide the direction and ministry of the single adult ministry at Tallowood. We have three people rotating off in June and need to fill those spots with new people with a fresh perspective. We need you. Pray for these elections, but pray knowing you may be the one needed to serve at this time.