The Myth of Self-Sufficiency

“The truth is that self-sufficiency is a myth perpetuated by pride and temporary success.  Health and wealth can disappear instantly, as can life itself. Rejoice in your insufficiency, knowing that My (God’s) power is made perfect in weakness.” –Sarah Young (Jesus Calling)

I was struck by these words I read in my devotional yesterday morning. Struck, because self-sufficiency is something I have desired. It’s not that I didn’t know this before, but sometimes God has to remind me. He has to remind me that He is enough, that is working and is able to work in the midst of my circumstances and those of my friends.

I have several friends that have severe, often life threatening health issues.  There a moments when I ask God “why?”  Then I see God at work through them.  I know that every time one friend is in the hospital, everyone she comes in contact with hears her testimony of God’s love and goodness. God’s power is shown through her weakness, her health.

I have annoying allergies, but for the most part, my doctor says my health is “boringly normal.” I do know that the wealth that comes from working can disappear instantly.  God has dealt with me on this as I have recognized that even my contract work is not a sure thing.  Each day, I thank God for what I have.  I have enough to live on and even enjoy some things and that is so much more than most of the world.

I continue to look for full-time work, and as I do, God continues His work in my life.  He’s teaching me to trust Him more and to live in the moment.  I am seeing His power made perfect is this weakness in my life.  My prayer is that I am faithful to testify to others of His sufficient grace and that they will see His power made perfect in this imperfect person I am.


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