Celebrating Grace

This morning’s message in church was powerful.  We are in a series about walls we build.  All of us have walls that we have built.  Our walls keep us safe and comfortable.  I know this very well because, in the last year or so, I have begun to identify some of the walls I have built in my life that have kept people at a distance.  I’m working on breaking them down.

This morning, I was particularly struck by the note that “walls kill unity and closeness in spiritual families,” or the church. Think about that visual for a moment.  If we are all walking around with walls built to keep us safe and comfortable, there is no place for unity.  We remain “safe” in our little silos and little changes.

One of the ways noted to tear down walls is to bring them into the light–to confess and celebrate grace.  I love that picture, not just grace, but celebrating grace!

At the close of the service, people were invited, to come to the front to confess to a pastor, elder, or prayer team member.  As a member of the prayer team, I had what I now see as a privilege of praying with a couple of people, one of whom is someone I consider a dear friend.  It was amazing to be part of that.  What I didn’t realize until I was walking back to my seat, was that, in standing there at the front, I had chipped away a little more at one of my walls.  Here’s my confession-I am a member of the prayer team and I don’t mind praying with people, but I get anxious every time we are asked to go to the front and be available to pray with people. I’m working on unpacking all the reasons behind that anxiety, but it has a lot to do with the walls that I have built to keep people from knowing the real me. Chip.  Hear that?  That’s the sound of my walls coming down. I am celebrating grace today!

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