2012 Books

I’m finally getting around to writing about my favorite books from 2012, a tradition I started several years back.  Last year, I read fewer books than I’ve read for a while, just 36. I read a lot of series fiction which I love, but typically doesn’t stand out as overall favorites.

There are two I can say stood out above the rest.  The first, is Implosion: Can America Recover from Its Economic and Spiritual Challenges in Time. Dad picked up the book because he and I both like Joel Rosenberg, the author. It was the first non-fiction book of his that I’ve read and it didn’t disappoint. He has a very interesting perspective on current events.  It was very thought provoking. What struck me most, though, was not the politics or end times theories, but the section he wrote about the Great Awakenings in American history. It left me with a sense of hope and compelled me to pray for this country that I love.

The second book is one that I would not have picked up this year except that I participated in a ladies study at church that was based on the book. Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa TerKeurst is an excellent book. Some people explode when they experience raw emotions. I learned that I stuff my emotions down and build walls. Because I recognize this now, it is easier to deal with those emotions and Lysa gives some practical tools for doing so.

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